A Community Thank you

II would like to thank all the local businesses that contributed to the food/beverages for our event last weekend. I was touched by your support. Proud of all the people who showed up and walked in the rain especially the teens..Thank You! It helped me immensely to see how many people care about what happened to Rehtaeh and the issues surrounding a cultural acceptance of rape/sexual assault. Thanks to Avalon Ctr for being the great organization they are and for coming our to support us. Our speakers were also great. Through all this pain in the past year, I can see change globally but also right here in our small community. Rehtaeh would be proud to see what has happened and the ripples of conversation that have began. Although, I do believe she does see and is influencing much of the progress.

I would also like to thank the highschools that allowed the students to promote the awareness walk. Out of the eight High Schools contacted, only two denied the posters. Unfortunately, they were the very schools Rehtaeh attended. I will point out that Cole Hbr High did allow a modified version of the poster in their school just so people dont assume that CHH was one that denied the poster. One school did not want the poster up because he said that “they cant have talk of suicide” in their school. Since when does a walk in remembrance of Rehtaeh equal talk of suicide. Sad that there is such a narrow minded attitude in charge of some schools. Some of Rehtaeh’s friends wanted to work through their grief – one with a entry into an art show. The portrait was denied into the school art show because it was a portrait of Rehtaeh. Really? You may say why honour Rehtaeh and not other kids that died. I say you should honour their life, every single one of them. If they were part of your school and your community honour them. Otherwise, what message are you sending out?

Evidence based research shows that talking about mental health issues surrounding suicide is what people need. More talk -not less! However, the event was a memorial walk and to discuss issues surrounding rape/sexual assault. Guess what Mr Principal? not talking about these very important topics will only make things worse not better because as I said before just because the school does not want to discuss, does not mean that the students are not talking. They are talking but without support, how does that help? Lots of work to bring some schools into the 21st century but community support was wonderful…