It didn’t take long for up and coming hip-hop artist Adam Godin to garner an East Coast Music Award nomination.
Godin’s debut EP, Both Sides Of The Coin, is nominated for World Recording of the Year.
The most popular track off the 18-year-old Falmouth native’s album, Stay Another Day, is a song his wrote in honour of his former junior high schoolmate, Rehtaeh Parsons.
“When I heard about what happened it shocked me and music is how I express myself so when I heard something like that had happened I just picked up a pen and started writing.”
Read the rest at The Hants Journal
Published on May 1, 2013
This song and video is dedicated to Rehtaeh Parsons, a 17 year old young lady from Nova Scotia who took her own life after being Raped and ignored by the authorities. It was written by a 17 year old up and coming Hip Hop artist by the name of A-God who. The message in this song speak to each and everyone of us, young or old!
Time to start listening to our teenagers and asking and stop turning our backs on them. Thank you very much to the Parsons family for allowing A-God and myself to share this music in their Angel’s name. “Rehtaeh, you are not forgotten!”