April has arrived and I am reminded of the deep pain that usually sits just under the surface. This time of year the pain is a bit feisty and demands more attention. I don’t run away from this pain. I don’t “get busy” as a way to bypass these deep deep emotions. I walk towardsRead more about April Reflections[…]
Read more April ReflectionsWhat We Do
Education and Awareness
We perform outreach to schools, youth groups, first responders and community members and present at a variety of conferences with a focus on empowering individuals. This outreach could include public speaking, campaigns, community awareness events and/or supportive programs.
Support for Others
We support individuals struggling emotionally from the trauma of sexualized violence and cyber-harassment. Donations are made towards other local agencies “doing it right”. We also support programs/agencies near and dear to Rehtaeh’s passions such as art, animals and reading.
Making a Difference
We collaborate with various agencies to affect policy and procedures relating to cyber-abuse, sexualized violence and youth mental health. This could include reforms in education, mental health and/or law enforcement.
Making Changes
Interested in knowing how laws have changed since Rehtaeh's case? - Stay Tuned
Related News
Interested in hearing about recent cases and how these issues are being addressed? - Stay Tuned
These sections will be updated regularly to ensure that you know what has changed and what hasn't as it relates to sexualized violence and cyber-harassment.
Rehtaeh Anne Parsons was born to Leah Parsons and Glen Canning on December 9, 1995, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Their beloved daughter left this world on April 7, 2013, at the age of 17. In addition to her parents, she left behind two darling sisters, Temyson and Teaghan, who both live in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia with Leah. Rehtaeh (often called ‘Rae’ by her family and by those close to her) was a free spirit and thinker. A ‘straight A’ student for most of her life, she liked science, biology, history, the arts, and learning about life. She was a passionate painter who found beauty in things others overlooked. Rehtaeh was known for her love of animals and expressed a deep sense of love, devotion, and empathy to animals in need. A compassionate heart, Rae felt for those less fortunate and never wanted to hurt others. Those who knew her were proud to call her daughter, sister, niece, cousin, and friend.
Being Female is Complex
About Leah Parsons

Leah Parsons
Rae's Awareness Items

Men’s/Women’s T-Shirts – $20

Rehtaeh Memorial Stones

Stone Book – $20

Awareness Mugs – $8

Awareness Buttons – By Donation

Awareness Bumper Stickers – $10

Awareness Bracelets – By Donation
Latest news
Aug, 18
Lady Ball Sept 26th
I will be a part of this important event. Hope you see you there. https://secure2.convio.net/noca/site/Ticketing;jsessionid=00000000.app222a?view=Tickets&id=100722&NONCE_TOKEN=3125A4AC759330290B305941CB78649B
Read more Lady Ball Sept 26th -
Jul, 1
Broken Hearts!
I love how the Universe speaks to me when I connect to nature. Yesterday while exploring the shores of N.S. with my doggies I was drawn to a heart shaped rock which is often what I find on my travels. I picked up the perfect shaped stone and smiled. Shortly after I found another amazingRead more about Broken Hearts![…]
Read more Broken Hearts!Mar, 30Grief is an inward journey
I have been spending a lot of time alone this past week – allowing myself to feel. Allowing some very sad emotions to rise to the surface. I am standing directly in front of my emotions and saying “Yes, I am here!” I have always said that the concept of “time heals” does not existRead more about Grief is an inward journey[…]
Read more Grief is an inward journey -
Mar, 5
Walking Paths
I’m a day late with my monthly reflections. I was a very busy Mom all weekend running between the girl’s basketball tournaments. Yesterday, between games I rushed home to walk the dogs. I often walk the trails near my home and this time my youngest girl wanted to go a completely different route whenRead more about Walking Paths[…]
Read more Walking PathsFeb, 4Honouring Emotions
Acceptance of our emotions is so essential on our journey of grief and journey of life. The truth is I wake up 95% of the time feeling extremely sad. The pain and reality that my child no longer resides on this earthly plane hits me pretty hard most mornings. This is my truth! I canRead more about Honouring Emotions[…]
Read more Honouring Emotions -
Dec, 4
Love Yourself Fiercely!
December has arrived! Its a difficult month for many who are reminded their loved ones are no longer here to enjoy the holiday season . The 4th of every month can hit me like a ton of bricks but as December unfolds I am reminded of the day I gave birth for the 1st timeRead more about Love Yourself Fiercely![…]
Read more Love Yourself Fiercely!Oct, 24Affirmations on the Path
Sometimes I wonder why I keep speaking out. I ask myself “Is this making a difference?” Sometimes, others ask me why I keep speaking out and say “You need to take time to Grieve!” It takes a lot of emotional energy to share pain. In the beginning I spoke out because Rehtaeh deserved to beRead more about Affirmations on the Path[…]
Read more Affirmations on the Path -
Sep, 4
Back to School
Sept 4th 2017 September begins – the fourth of every month is a struggle but September always triggers moments of things that will never happen again. Buying school supplies and wondering what my child would be doing now if only she were still here. I often veer away from the “if only” scenarios because IRead more about Back to School[…]
Read more Back to SchoolMay, 1113 Reasons Why – The Series
I finally finished watching 13 Reasons. I dont think you can make comments unless you watch the series. As difficult as some of the content was it was important for me to watch to be able to join in the conversations surrounding this series. The attached article has snippets of quotes from me but IRead more about 13 Reasons Why – The Series[…]
Read more 13 Reasons Why – The Series