Support Group for Survivors of Suicide Loss
Every 3rd Friday of the month we offer a support group. Everyone affected by suicide is welcome.
Every 3rd Friday of the month we offer a support group. Everyone affected by suicide is welcome.
The last week of March feels like a wet heavy blanket edging its way from my feet to my chins and upwards covering me inch by inch. Each day unfolds holding the dark reminder that April is arriving. Isn’t this a time of new beginnings? Isn’t this a time to come out of our winterRead more about April 4th 2016 marks 3 yrs[…]
World Suicide Awareness Day is Sept 10th. We hosted this event to help bring awareness of the prevalence of Suicide and the struggles people face.The Rehtaeh Parsons Society was joined by Six Points Tattoo Parlour to raise funds and help reduce the stigma of mental health.Sinful Xpressions Tattoo Parlour provided supplies.We had this two dayRead more about Fundraiser Success![…]
World Suicide Preventation/Awareness Day is Sept 10th. We will host this event to help bring awareness of the prevalence of Suicide and the struggles people face.The Rehtaeh Parsons Society will be joined by Six Points Tattoo Parlour to raise funds and help reduce the stigma of mental health. We will be having a two dayRead more about Semi Colon Fundraiser Tattoo – National Suicide Prevention week[…]
When you have lived through the unimaginable and witnessed something you could never be prepared for, life changes in that moment. On April 7th, 2013 just before 11pm as I am about to drift off to sleep my 17yr old daughter’s friend knocked on my bedroom door to say she is worried because Rehtaeh hasRead more about How do we go on when our child dies by Suicide[…]
I’m struggling to stay in this world, because everything just touches me so deeply. I’m not doing this for attention. I’m doing this to be an inspiration and to show that I can be strong. ~ Amanda Todd It’s hard to believe a year ago today Amanda Todd’s precious life ended. Her mom, Carol, hasRead more about One Year After Amanda’s Death[…]
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” – Desmond Tutu Rita-Clare LeBlanc had reached the darkest moment of her young life. The months of bullying at her high school had taken a toll and she decided to end her life and become yet another statistic ofRead more about Bullying: when schools are the bystander[…]
I’m struggling to stay in this world, because everything just touches me so deeply. I’m not doing this for attention. I’m doing this to be an inspiration and to show that I can be strong. I did things to myself to make pain go away, because I’d rather hurt myself then someone else. Haters areRead more about Amanda Todd Video at One Year[…]
If you are feeling suicidal now, please stop long enough to read this. More information about the warning signs of suicide, and places to get help, can be found at Yesterday was the sixth annual Halifax Walk for World Suicide Prevention Day. In Halifax about 100 people walked from Victoria Park to City Hall.Read more about World Suicide Prevention Day 2013[…]