Your Truth

To the lady who contacted me today about losing her son to suicide just days ago. I felt your pain today and started thinking of our shared pain. For those suffering and feeling traumatized by life itself or events in life. I was brainstorming and came up with a list. We all love

Truth is…Why the F*@k did this happen to me? will be your mantra in the beginning
Truth is….Some days are better than others
Truth is… You never know when a really bad day will hit you out of the blue.
Truth is… the unpredictability of the grief process is the part that makes us feel we have no control of our emotions.
Truth is…control is an illusion
Truth is…you will have some good days too
Truth is…flashbacks of the trauma and all you experienced will also come when you least expect it.
Truth is…you will find resilience within that you never knew you had.
Truth is…just when you feel like you cant go on another day, something will inspire you to try a little bit more.
Truth is…you want the world to stop when you do but its not possible
Truth is..when you feel your darkest moments, your inspiration sits in wait and often ideas, thoughts will come that help you through.
Truth is…you learn more about yourself than you ever imagined you could or would want to.
Truth is…openness and curiousity of self reveals big revelations.
Truth is…blessings are not in the BIG things, they are in the smallest of moments.
Truth is…looking for small miracles is possible
Truth is… the pain will sit under the surface ALWAYS
Truth is…there is wisdom in pain.
Truth is…you are your best friend…so listen carefully
Truth is…this is your road to travel…not anyone elses
Truth is…you should never be ashamed of who you are
Truth is…you should never be silenced even if they say you must.
Truth is… life is so very short – use your anger for change not hatred.
Truth is..I will never get what I had back
Truth is..I will never be the same
Truth is.. I will grow within not shrink in fear
Truth is…Its Okay to not be Okay..
Truth is…you figure out when forced – that you actually can do things you claimed you could never do.

Find your truth.