The two boys facing charges in child pornography were set to go to trial today, after being put back once already; trial is pushed back, yet again. The set date is for January 9th, 2013.
This Anon is waiting for the when and where and I’ll be there … that being said, I do respect AND understand that we have to get the “Green Light” first, and once we do, it will be time to rally our troops for a worthy cause.
See articles:
If you haven’t already joined, there is a Rehtaeh Parsons Protest group page listed on facebook. Look it up, ask to join, but one of the admins will have to approve you.
There, we will have updates on potential protests, as I said above, once AND ONLY once we get the green light. First, let’s allow justice to take it’s course.
We Are Legion.
We Do Not Forgive.
We Do Not Forget.